Smart Recruitment Solutions
part of The Wise Recruitment Group

Contact your Local Branch

Select one of our branches from the list below to send us an enquiry.

Kickstart Scheme

Please complete this form to apply for funding under the Kickstart Scheme.  You can use one form to apply for multiple job placements in your organisation.  Wise Employment will submit your applications in batches of 30 job placements to the Department for Work and Pensions who will make a final decision on each application.

Apply for funding

If you are not a company or charity, please state what type of employer your are (i.e. public sector, unincorporated association). There is no limit to the number of job placements you can apply for, but you must be ready to accept applications and offer a prompt start date for any you are applying for now. Each job placement must be on a separate line and be numbered (i.e. Job 1. Office Administrator, October 2020).